Tuesday, January 8, 2013

dear skateboarding, die.

this shit is fucking gay as fuck. faggots like this only skate for the fuckin fashion and the fuckin image and cuz some stupid cunt told em they thought skaters were cute and they figured maybe they could fuck a chick for once instead of their faggot friends. i saw this crap on hellaclips and i really dont know why i felt the need to "blog" this but im kinda drunk for a tuesday these assholes seriously bothered the shit outta me. no one cares about your fuckin hardflip at your jr. high in texas and yer stupid post-ironic ke$ha shit. quit.


Anonymous said...

Take it easy, no need to get an aneurism and start throwing out homophobic comments because these kids are lame.

jonesone said...

@anonymous lol. i think the word faggot is funny.

Brian Nyberg said...

I mean the kid doing the crook nollie flip skates but yea I can totally see what youre saying... those ledges look so good though. You should check out grime time live if you haven't already.

Teen said...

hahaha you're the man jones