Monday, October 6, 2008

road tripping

so i went on a three day skate trip extravaganza this weekend and had a great time. heres some things i learned:
-pennsylvania is nice
-u cant get beer at convienience stores there but they do have drive thru beer garages.
-conneticut still BLOWS.
-joe is an old man who wears rice sokks around his nekk.
-ralph murphy screams in his sleep and is a chronic shitter.
-fukk a GPS.
-shawn is an idiot.
-peanut butter brownies are good.
-bob rules. the holland tunnel does not.
-when everyone is skating/drunk as fukk and we all have cameras, no one uses them. at all.
-not showering for three days may look good on paper but sukks in practice.
-weed makes u tired. who knew?
-new york is rad.
-FDR is the gnarliest palce ive ever skated. ever.

super cereal. this place is fukkin nuts. i especially liked how the concrete hammering locals decided to let us know the session was over by smashing bottles all over the surface of the entire park. well played fellas. well played.
thanx again to casey and his girl for all the hospitality. you rule.

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